It has been over four years now since Holden joined our family. His journey started off bumpy and he's had to overcome some health challenges. But the Little Monkey continues to fight his way to becoming strong and healthy. We are so blessed to have him as our son. He inspires us and melts our hearts every day. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We've appreciated everyone's thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy 2nd Easter to our little Monkey!! While this year was definitely better than celebrating in the NICU - which we had to do last year, it was not exactly what we had planned. We were supposed to spend the day with our whole family, eat a nice (semi) traditional dinner and then have an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids - things changed when Holden and I got sick again.
Holden had a mild fever, runny nose and was just cranky. I had a fever between 101 and 103, ache, chills and at times felt delusional. It broke my heart to have to uninvite everyone as we were really looking forward to the being together for the holiday.

Fortunately, the Easter Bunny still came to visit Holden and was not scared off by our germs!! Holden was excited to see his special basket waiting for him and quickly started playing with the plastic wrap - which he liked as much as the gifts inside!
Mommy spent much of the day on the couch and by the evening found herself covered with hives. After a freak out call to my doctor, we determined that I must be allergic to the antibiotic I had been taking for the past week for my sinus infection. And all of the flu like symptoms were likely just additional side effects. So after a shot of steroids, new antibiotics and a couple more days of being miserable, I'm finally starting to feel better! Thank goodness because Holden was not liking Mommy staying at a distance!! And I missed my Monkey kisses!! Oh, and Holden...turns out he probably did not have the flu either. Looks like another tooth was cutting!!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you and Holden had to go through that tuff week of colds or allergies.
I'm happy to know you are on your way to recovery.


Anonymous said...

Good times!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you - Holden looks like a good mixture of you & Reece with his own personality. Hope you both are well now. Loved the pic of Holden & Reece. This little guy is amazing!
Deborah & David