Now that the weather is so nice, we've been staying busy between playtime outside, walks and running errands! What a difference from feeling trapped indoors during cold and flu season.
I love this photo of Holden. He is riding on his new Caterpillar Dump Truck that was a present from Joe & Betsy. To say he loves it is an understatement. He literally plays with this truck from every angle. He rides on it, pushes the buttons to sound the horn, then turns it on its side and plays with the wheels, then somehow man-handles it and flips it over and plays with the wheels some more and now is beginning to use it as a walker (with some support from us!).
Holden continues to grow stronger and is close to full out crawling. In the meantime, he's learned to get around with his roll, crawl, sit up combo. He's a little speed demon in his walker now, going forward, backwards and still loves hiding under the dining room table.
I took Holden last week to Just Kids Kuts to get his first hair cut (outside of our home). This is actually his 5th hair cut. He did great for his first visit. Ms. Michelle sat the little Monkey in a tractor. He loved spinning the steering wheel and thought it was super cool that he could watch "Sharks Tale" on his own little TV while he got his hair cut. He did fuss when she used the electric razor, but quickly realized it didn't hurt.
And while his hair does not look quite as curly now, I promise, it still has some curl on top!!
We think Holden is teething again. This time (I think) it is the big bad 1 year molars. I've read it could take weeks for the little buggers to finally come through. I hope not, because Holden was sleeping through the night until these teeth started acting up.
We are heading down to Tifton, GA this weekend for our Godson, David's First Holy Communion. This will be our first trip away from home - outside of hospital visits. And we are planning several other trips to visit family and friends this summer! I'm looking forward (and praying) for the future!! We have some much to enjoy and experience with Holden.