Maybe it is because we've traveled such a rocky road, or maybe it is because I wanted so much to be a mom, but I go to bed each night looking forward to the next day with Holden. I've seen how quickly life can change and I don't want to take a second for granted. I hope Holden's journey can inspire others to appreciate the good in their life and to have faith.

Holden had a great week. He is walking on his own. It is the cutest thing. Reece calls it his Frankenstein walk. He is so proud of himself that he stops every dozen steps or so to clap. I love it when he starts to lose his balance and grabs onto Alex. Alex seems to be enjoying being able to look his playmate in the eyes!

Aunt Sheila came in town for a visit this past weekend. We had a great time. We went to visit
Sha, Andre and
Zander, shopped, enjoyed some time at the spa, watched the Gator game and spent lots of time playing with Holden. Monkey loves his Aunt Sheila. He giggled like crazy every time she snorted like a piggy.

Holden's latest obsession is "outside". We've been enjoying the Fall weather. He loves pushing his big red truck all around our
da-sac. We got a Diego watering can and shovel so little man can help Mommy plant and water our flowers. He's been doing well off his oxygen. He's been off for as long as 9 hours and managed to maintain high
sats! He continues to amaze me daily!