I remember when I first starting praying for a miracle (for Holden to be okay), it felt strange. Miracles always seemed liked something you'd hear about in Sunday sermons at church, read about in a magazine or see in movies. It was hard for me to wrap my head around God showing little old me his work - first hand. And I remember the hospital chaplin saying "Why not Holden? Why not ask God for your Miracle?"
Well I am here to say that I believe in miracles. I think God makes miracles happen as a way to encourage us to believe in him. Miracles are daily reminders to us to have faith, to love and to follow his word.

I was reminded of this today when I decided to take Holden off the oxygen and see what would happen. I hooked him up to the pulse ox so I could monitor his oxygen level and heart rate. I was thrilled beyond belief when I saw his oxygen levels remaining in the 90s and he was not having any problems with his work of breathing. He continued to have lots of energy

and played the entire 40 minutes - without oxygen and without the cannula on his face. Call it what you want, but it felt like a miracle to me!
What now?? I have no idea! My Mommy opinion is that our little Chunk-a-Monk is healing. I can only hope that all of our prayers are being answered. I think God has some big plans in store for Holden and this is just the beginning!
I, of course called Reece right away. And then I emailed one of Holden's doctors to share the news. We have an appointment with her on Monday, so I will be anxious to hear what she has to say. I have lots of questions, but even more HOPE!!
I continue Holden Faith:) Thank you, again and again, for all of your prayers and positive thinking.