He recently started crossing his wrists (or hands) when he is sitting down. The pose is identical to the way my Dad often sat! Since Grandpa Joe is no longer with us, it is a wonderful daily reminder (for me) of my Dad.
The kid is a teething machine. His 1 year molars caused him grief for over a month before beginning to cut. Now 3 molars have cut within the past 10 days. He seriously puts everything in his mouth! Picture me with anti-bacterial wipes in my hand at all times running behind the Chunk-a-monk with an oxygen tank!!! That is a good part of my day - and I say that with a smile. And molar #4 is sure to poke through any day now. I think we'll all be happy once the molars are in!

We went to Holden's twin cousins', Ariana and Alyssa's birthday party, last Saturday. I can't believe the girls are 8!! Holden had a blast at their party. He thought it was hysterical when all the kids were kicking the soccer ball pinata! The Little Monkey even got a turn at it.He had a good time playing with the soccer ball, swinging on the swing and watching the big kids play soccer.
It has been great to be able to socialize with our family and friends. Although Holden can be shy at first, he has really come out of his shell and is quick to make friends everywhere we go!