And while I'm so glad we are where we are today, I have to admit, I was not completely prepared for the "terrible twos" (and yes, I think Holden got there a couple of months early!). Some days I wonder what happened to my sweet easy-going little Monkey! But I know this is a normal phase and I'm ready to take it on!! I have no doubt we'll have lots of good blogging material the next year or so:)
So lately Holden has a very strong opinion on nearly everything. It starts each morning with breakfast. If he doesn't like what Mommy makes, he makes his way to the pantry and makes his own selection. And getting dressed has been hysterical, as Holden wants to select his outfits. His favorite outfit seems to be a Gator Jersey (good taste on this one), camo pants, and sandals with socks (this one drives me crazy, it has been 40 degrees out, so if we are going to wear sandals, I'm glad he's being sensible about the socks!
He is also obsessed with all electronic gadgets. We just purchased a media armoire so we can lock him out of touching the TV, DVD, Stereo, etc. It is less about watching TV and more about touching all the buttons. He especially likes putting in and taking out DVDs from the DVD player. So while we are trying to protect our equipment from the little Monkey, we are also looking for other ways to encourage his curiosity and need for exploring anything with buttons, lights and sound. He does well (when supervised) on the computer and we got him a Leapster 2, which is an educational electronic hand held game.
All of these recent changes have me reflecting on where we were 1 year ago. Of course all babies change so much between the ages of 1 and 2. But we also have the improved health and catching up on milestones we were behind on, to also be grateful for. I remind myself of this each time I clean up crushed cereal from between the slats of our hardwood floors!! What a blessing. And what a journey!!