It has been over four years now since Holden joined our family. His journey started off bumpy and he's had to overcome some health challenges. But the Little Monkey continues to fight his way to becoming strong and healthy. We are so blessed to have him as our son. He inspires us and melts our hearts every day. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We've appreciated everyone's thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Love it patient, Love is Kind...

Lately I've had so much I've wanted to write about and lots of cute pictures, but not nearly enough time! Holden is keeping me busy and despite being tired, I'm loving it! And I'm not saying it is always easy, but I think being a Mom is the best job on earth!

Holden is now crawling laps throughout the house and is having fun playing "tag" with Alex. And the little Monkey's 4th molar tooth finally started to cut on Sunday. So hopefully we won't have quite so much drama (he's like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde when he's teething).

Working with his therapist, we've decided to push a little harder with his feedings. Instead of putting Holden in his high chair, we've been putting him in a booster seat in front of the TV. Totally not the way I want it, but sometimes in life, you just do what you gotta do! And it seems to be working. Each day we've been able to feed him several tablespoons of baby food. I know it may not sound like much, but I am so proud of the Chunk-a-monk. Last week he wouldn't even open his mouth for solid food. And he's warming up to the sippy cup. I'm not saying it has been easy, but we're working on it! And I am convinced that "patience" comes from heaven above. One definition of patience is: "the ability to wait calmly for something to happen without complaining or giving up". So my personal goal each day is to commit myself 100% when feeding Holden. I know by showing him patience and love, but firmness will help him continue to improve with eating. When I really think about it, patience can make a big difference in lots of situations in life. Don't we all do better when our parents, spouse, friend, boss, etc treat us with patience and kindness!!?? And hopefully that is what I'm teaching my little guy!