After dinner, Daddy, Holden, Grandpa Dave, Steve, Ariana, Alyssa and Alex went for a walk. As you can see, Holden loved getting out.

He also had a blast playing with his cousins, Melina, Ariana and Alyssa. I think it took him a couple of minutes to determine that there were 2 different girls who looked the same. But once he did, he loved all the attention he got from both of them.

Holden was tugging on his ears alot late last week so we took him to his pediatrican and determined he has his first ear infection. He's on anitibiotics and we're already seeing improvement.
Yesterday we went to visit our friends Mark and Julie who were our photographers at our wedding and we've kept in touch all these years. As a baby present, they gave us the wonderful gift of taking family photos.

Today, he felt his first snow flake. There was not enough snow for it to really make an impact, but he liked being outside in the cold.
Tonight, we took the little monkey to get his first Christmas tree. It was so cold, we did not dilly dally. And as it turned out, the first one we looked at was perfect. Holden seemed to like the change in weather and was not phased. He came home full of energy and wanting to play instead of go to bed. But he finally settled and is hopefully dreaming of all the fun he's been having lately!!