Do you have a place in your life that stirs up all kinds of emotions, but yet, you still don't mind (or maybe even like) going there? For me, it is Children's
Healthcare of Atlanta. Holden and I go monthly for his routine
blood work. On one hand, I hate going there because I know the anxiety it causes him when they draw his blood. But I try to make the rest of the visit a fun experience. He rides in his little red car. We walk around and see other kids, look at the
fishies on the digital screen and on our way out we stop in the gift shop for a balloon. But for me, the hospital is a reminder of how far we've come. A reminder of all we still face. A reminder of why we should appreciate each and every day God gives us. And a reminder of the
miracles that happen every day. It is a special place. Of course no one wants to think they'll have to spend any time there, but if something happens to your child, it is definitely the place to be. I'm grateful that we have such great doctors and such an amazing hospital so close to home. So maybe our monthly visits help me keep life in perspective. I just know that I've been blessed with an amazing son (who inspires me every day), a great husband, a wonderful family and an awesome and supportive circle of friends. Maybe we all need a place in our life that pushes us to face our fears, appreciate what we have and find hope for the future...
The picture above was taken on Mother's Day in
Tifton, just after my Godson David's 1st Holy Communion (Happy Belated Mother's Day to all you Moms reading this!!) It was a great day!
I am so proud of David (photo below). He did a great job at the ceremony and seemed to handle the event with such maturity. After mass, we all spent time together at the Morris's house. Holden had a chance to play with his second cousins (David and Emily) and also had time to get to know his Godparents (Laura and Chad) better.