Every night, I sit and read to Holden in a rocker in his bedroom. There are two windows behind us, and an end table next to the chair. Recently, each night as we read, a lady bug flys on our book, on one of us or on the table next to us. Holden is fascinated with the beautiful little bug and immediately tries to grab it. After rescuing my spotted friend from the grips of a toddler, I release it out the window. Our nightly visits lasted for more than a week. Finally, I wondered if this was a sign and I looked up the symbolism of the ladybug. The ladybug is often thought to be associated with spirituality and religious devotion. It is widely considered a symbol of good luck and is considered a good omen if one comes calling. One source said: "The Ladybug teaches life is short and it teaches to let go of ones' worries and fears, to trust in spirit and enjoy life. It brings the gifts of renewal and regeneration. The message of the Ladybug could be asking you to “Let go and let God”."
Such a powerful message for a little bug. But I'm glad that I didn't let this message slip by.

Holden continues to amaze me daily. He's had a little cold, but he hasn't let that stop him. He is constantly on the go and loves running. Now that his balance has improved, you can't slow him down. He likes to have races through the house with Reece and I. We all pick a vehicle or pull toy and run in circles. He giggles watching us try to keep up with him! And forget trying to stop the game, he cries!! It has definitely been good exercise for these colder/snowy days!
Holden has two birthday parties to go to this week. I can't wait to watch him play with the other kids. We're finding that he's a social little guy, so it doesn't usually take long for him to fit right in - even among strangers. Mommy is having to learn to chill out a bit with the "germ protection". While still being cautious, I'm realizing that I can't follow him around every second, wiping his hands. (Yes, I've even followed him around on play sets at the Park, constantly wiping his hands with Purell!) And although he's had 6 colds this winter, he's handled them fine. Where as last winter, each cold he caught was an emergency room visit and hospital stay. So maybe this is where that message comes in for me..."Let Go and Let God!" Just enjoy these moments and more importantly, just let Holden enjoy being a normal toddler!