Holden has had a good week. He seems stronger than he's been in a long time - maybe ever. The Little Monkey (now also called Chunk-a-Monk now weighs 19 lbs. 10oz. He had an appointment today with his
pulmonologist and she was very happy with how he's doing and she said his lungs sound clear. So the plan, for now, is to keep things as they are. We may make some adjustments (reductions) to his medications if he continues to do so well. We have an appointment with his GI Specialist later this month. We're looking forward to hopefully making some changes to his feeding, so he can drink more bottles. He's been doing great with what we offer him, so I think he will adjust well to incorporating more bottles into the day.

We are slowly but surely getting a chance to introduce Holden to our friends and extended family. I can't tell you how good it feels
for those in our life to be able to get to know and see us as a family. Our friends Paul and Collin met the Little Monkey a couple of weeks ago and then Brian and Jennifer (photo) got a chance to meet him (while in teething mode) this past weekend. Fortunately as cold and flu season winds down, we'll be able to do more socializing. I can't wait until he can have his first official play date with other babies his age! And although Holden's birthday is February 14, we are working on plans for a big birthday bash out at Stone Mountain Park this April.

Holden and I met Miss Doris this week. She is a friend of our neighbor, Miss Carol. Although Doris had never met Holden, she heard about him through Carol at church and has been praying for him since he was born. After meeting her, it really hit me that there are probably several "
Doris's" out there whom we never met, yet they pray for my precious son. To all of you, I want to say thank you. Nearly a full year later, you've keep him on your prayer lists and take time out of your busy day to check on how he is doing. I feel that by allowing myself to be "public" and vulnerable with our struggles it has enabled us to be blessed with with this powerful support circle of prayers and positive thoughts. And every morning when I look into Holden's eyes, I know our prayers are being answered.
The one thing Holden and I do have is
alot of time. Please be sure to let us know if you have things in your life that you'd like us to pray for, for you. We'd be happy to add you to our prayer list. Thank you all and God Bless!