Holden played with one of his little friends last week. It was awesome to see him interact with another infant - but unfortunately three days later the little monkey got sick. We had a couple long nights and he had all the classic signs of a cold - possibly even the flu. So just to air on the side of caution, I took him to see his pediatrician last Friday. The doctor said his lungs sounded good, but his throat was really red, so they tested him for strep. It was negative, so ultimately she thought he just had a bad cold. Other than Tylenol, we just needed to let him work through it. And now Mommy has his cold - which makes me realize how miserable he probably was. No wonder he just wanted to be held!
On Saturday, I took Holden to his 1st Easter Egg Hunt (Reece had a tennis match) in Cleveland, GA. We were 5 minutes late and all 18,000 eggs were gone!! Fortunately, Holden's cousins shared their eggs with him and h

e had a great time just picking up the eggs and putting them in his basket.

After the Easter Egg Hunt we went to visit Aunt JoJo at the Post Office and then all went to see the Easter Parade. Holden loved waving at all the people on the floats that went by and his eyes lit up when he saw the big shiny red fire trucks! After the parade we had lunch and Holden took a much needed nap. Then, we went to the spring festival at Babyland General (Cabbage Patch place). Holden was able to see the birth of a Cabbage Patch baby - but was way more fascinated with the choo choo train! It was a long day for the little guy, but he handled it great, especially considering he was still getting over his cold. He slept almost the whole way home!! He loves his tin Easter bucket and likes to drop anything in it that will make noise!
Baby Lily's Mom called yesterday to let us know that Lily has been put on the heart transplant list. We ask that you keep Lily and her family in your prayers.