It has been over four years now since Holden joined our family. His journey started off bumpy and he's had to overcome some health challenges. But the Little Monkey continues to fight his way to becoming strong and healthy. We are so blessed to have him as our son. He inspires us and melts our hearts every day. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We've appreciated everyone's thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Chunky Little Monkey

Holden is really starting to chunk up and is quickly outgrowing his clothes. I think he looks adorable and that smile melts my heart daily! Daddy says he now has 3 chins! If you look closely, you can see his 2 bottom center teeth, which are growing in. We think a top tooth may be next.
We've slowly been reintroducing Holden to the bottle. We see the surgeon this week for our 1 month follow up. If all looks well, he will give us the okay to start working on more bottles/solids and less tube feedings. It will likely be a challenge at first, as Holden associates the bottle with his reflux pain, but with patience and time, he'll get there. And he is exploring the world of solids, so hopefully it is just a matter of time until he's eating completely by mouth!!

A special thank you to Isabella and Evan Wilson (and their Mommy and Daddy) for sending Holden the adorable "Mommy's Little Monkey" shirt. Holden likes the shirt and Of course Mommy likes it too!!
Daddy and Holden both had colds this week. Daddy seems better and Holden is going in the right direction. Mommy is desperately trying to avoid the crud. There is definitely no time for Mommy to be sick!!

Prior to Holden getting sick, we were bundling up when taking Alex out for our afternoon walks. He loves that Mommy now puts him directly in the stroller instead of using the car seat (travel system). You can tell he likes to look around at everything.
Grandma Deda is coming in town tomorrow for a visit and we are planning Holden's first visit to Santa Claus tomorrow evening. I can't wait to tell you how that goes. I bet he likes Santa more than he likes the doctors in the white coats!!