Fast forward 3 1/2 years and my eyes have been open to so much. Being a Mom has been the greatest gift God could have ever given me...and with Motherhood comes a hole lot of "imperfection". But I think my imperfections have made me more "real"...more relatable and hopefully a better role model for Holden. I think the real lesson is in how we handle the imperfections life throw our way. So life doesn't always go as planned but how we deal with it is what truly matters.
Unfortunately Holden had to learned this lesson very early. As an infant he had to deal with many imperfect days yet he (we) found a way to always make the best of things.
I believe this has had an impact in how he handles himself in every day situations. For the most part, he's a pretty easy going kid. I'm constantly amazed at how well he deals with the "imperfections" in his world. He's learned that sometimes he needs to be flexible. Sometimes he can't get his way. And sometimes he may be disappointed. But he goes with it. And he can find the silver lining anywhere...even when we go to the hospital to do his monthly blood work.
Holden started back to preschool two mornings a week and quickly got back into the routine. He looks forward to going to class and has already made new friends. Yesterday his teacher said "he is one funny kid!" I love that he's so personable!
So maybe my (our) lives don't always go as planned, but I have to believe there is a reason. Certainly God's plan, in the long run, has to be better than whatever I thought I wanted. Maybe that is why I've been able to embrace my perfectly imperfect life!