Since I last wrote, Holden's cold turned into toncillitis and a sinus infection. The poor kid had giant swollen tonsils and pretty much refused to eat or drink. Fortunately, we were able to feed him with the feeding pump. Even with that, he still lost a couple of ounces. After 10 days of an antibiotic, he is finally feeling better. I pray that he's eating will continue to improve.
We had a play date with Nathan at Stone Mountain Park's Pumpkin Festival. The boys liked seeing all the pumpkins and decor. Both of them loved the train ride. We were not able to stay long, but I hope to make it back before the end of the month.
I love seeing Holden's little personality blossom. Everyday is something new. He is starting to say a couple more words now. He seems to be understanding the difference between yes and no and will answer when asked a question. A couple of weeks ago, everything was no. Now most things are yes. And he sounds so cute when he says it..."Yaah". He is obsessed with climbing stairs, riding in his little red car and pushing his trailer and dump truck outside. It is great to see him so happy! And I don't take one single day for granted. I love my dancing, walking, happy little Monkey!