A very wise relative reminded me recently that every bite Holden takes is God's work at hand. Well God has been busy lately because Holden is making progress with his eating. He loves bananas, sweet potatoes, pears, macaroni & cheese, mashed potatoes, etc. He's beginning to show interest in what is on our plate and is even willing to taste what we are eating (oatmeal, salsa, smoothies, ice cream, etc.) We are no longer feeding him with the feeding pump at night. This will hopefully let him wake up hungry. And we feed him solids 3-4 times a day. We still have to
supplement with formula for any
uneaten calories, but we've made huge progress in the last couple of weeks.

Monkey is now helping Mommy and is trying to feed himself. We have a ways to go here, but not bad for a kid who would not let a spoon near his mouth less than a month ago!
Holden is teething again. This time it is his canine teeth. Hopefully these will come in quicker than the molars!

For those of you who wonder what Holden does when he does not have a woobie in his mouth, well - he chews on everything like a new little puppy.

Holden is starting to cruise, taking steps along our furniture and even exploring the stairs. I am sure he'll be walking before we know it!!
We're heading down to
Destin, FL this weekend for our friends Jeanine and Joey's wedding and for some play time at the beach! I am looking forward to spending time with both of my guys! We'll be sure to take pictures!