Mommy was able to rock Holden this morning during his feeding and we also had a chance to work with him on introducing him to the breast/bottle. He quickly figured out that it is more work than the feeding tube...but he'll get there!! I got to change a poopy diaper and Holden spit up all over me - and I was thrilled! (Yes, I know that this will quickly change when we get him home!! But for now we are appreciating all of the little things that we would probably take for granted if the situation were different.)
Now that Holden is down to just a couple of wires, the nurses have given us the green light to bring in clothes, hats and socks for our little Munchkin. You know that was all Mommy needed to hear to make sure he is the best dressed little guy in the NICU!!
I know we keep saying this, but thank you again for ALL of the thoughts and prayers. The three of us feel the love and support. We are truly blessed!