Our latest challenge, which I have to remind myself pales in comparison to everything else Holden has faced, is sores on Monkey's face. He's had them for over 3 months now. They showed up after doing yard work with Daddy. We've been to see 2 dermatologists. Holden's had over 12 shots of cortizone in his face. And he was on antibiotics for more than 4 weeks. Yet, despite all we've done, Monkey is walking around looking like a boxer who lost his last fight. Finally, we decided to have a biopsy done. After waiting nearly a week, we got partial results that ruled out most of the big or incurable things (cancer being one of them). But now 2 weeks later, still nothing has grown in the lab. So doctors can't yet prescribe anything to treat his sores. All doctors know is that Holden has some kind of infection. The good news is that as soon as they know what it is...it will be treatable. I didn't realize how stressed out I was about all this until I read that Church sign. It was almost as if someone was sending me a reminder message...I can't let this situation get to me or bring me down. I need to have faith that the sores on Holden's face will heal and everything will be okay. And maybe someday I'll look back on it and find some way it made me, or Holden stronger.
Other than is "boo boos", Holden has been doing great. He just started his 3rd week of preschool. It is only a total of 6 hours a week, but he likes it and it is giving me a little time to clean the house, work out or catch up on my own doctor/dentist appointments.
Holden is talking up a storm. He learns new words every day and the two of us can now have conversations...which I think is very cool. With his new found "voice" comes a way to verbalize his strong opinion...."no Mommy. no that shirt. Mickey shirt." He now wants to pick out which shoes he is going to wear...even when they don't really match. "No nap Mommy. I play!" He continues to make me laugh every day. Through all our challenges, I can count on Holden to help me keep things in perspective!