He is becoming much more mobile. Although he is not full on crawling, he gets where he wants to go with a roll, butt scoot crawl combination. He is also very interested in standing and with support can take a couple of steps. He's becoming quite the speeder in his walker. And Mommy has to walk behind him with the oxygen tank to make sure he does not get disconnected. He has learned to get under the dining room table, but has not learned how to NOT hit his head!! Ouch!
I think the little monkey may be getting one of his first year molars. One minute he's in a great mood, the next minute he's beside himself and putting everything in his mouth - including Mommy's fingers! Ouch again!
Sunday was Holden's first time attending church. It was a day I had looked forward too for a long time now. We decided to sit in the back row. Holden was quiet and well behaved for the first 15 minutes, then he became pretty vocal, squealing and trying to talk over the Priest. So it didn't take long for Mommy to have to take him into the vestibule. Daddy came out and switched placed with me and the little guy fell fast asleep in Daddy's arms. So next week, we'll try again - but this time we'll sit in the baby room!
Great week of firsts! Yeah. We love seeing the post with this great news. Holden is amazing. See you Saturday!
The Wilson4
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