We were thrilled that Holden was moved to a private room this evening. It feels great to have everything moving along in the right direction. I bumped into Holden's cardiologist when I was walking in with our bags and he kind of chuckled as he looked at my rather large suitcase and told me that if things continue to go well, there is a chance we'll be discharged this weekend or probably early next week. YEAH! We are so proud of our little Monkey.
We think Holden got a second tooth today. He doesn't want anyone to touch them, but when I tried rubbing Orajel on his gums, I was pretty certain I felt both of his bottom center teeth! Between the teeth and his reflux surgery he should be ready for some yummy solids any time now:)
Looks like we'll be home for Halloween after all. Holden is going to be a Monkey and his costume comes with it's very own "little monkey," which we call Junior. We'll be sure to post pictures.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Fighting to Go Home...
So it looks like Holden does NOT have an infection (YEAH)! Doctors are stopping his antibiotics and have determined that he is ready for a private room. Unfortunately the hospital is completely full and currently we are 6th on the list for a room.
The little Monkey continues to raise heck in the CICU and has been fussing on and off today. I am not sure if it is just a teething thing or if he's just feeling better and sick of being here. I would guess both! So Mommy has brought all sorts of toys and DVDs trying to keep him busy. Otherwise, when he gets too worked up, he is sedated - which sometimes is a good thing as he's been fighting going to sleep. Holden's Grandma Rosanne was able to spend time with him yesterday and Grandpa Dave came for a visit today.
We were hoping to take Holden to Stone Mountain Park's Pumpkin Festival before coming to the hospital, but it did not work out. So we are going to try to bring some pumpkins to Holden and the kids here on the cardiac floor. We'll be sure to take some pictures!!
Thanks again for all the prayers. They are definitely being answered!!
The little Monkey continues to raise heck in the CICU and has been fussing on and off today. I am not sure if it is just a teething thing or if he's just feeling better and sick of being here. I would guess both! So Mommy has brought all sorts of toys and DVDs trying to keep him busy. Otherwise, when he gets too worked up, he is sedated - which sometimes is a good thing as he's been fighting going to sleep. Holden's Grandma Rosanne was able to spend time with him yesterday and Grandpa Dave came for a visit today.
We were hoping to take Holden to Stone Mountain Park's Pumpkin Festival before coming to the hospital, but it did not work out. So we are going to try to bring some pumpkins to Holden and the kids here on the cardiac floor. We'll be sure to take some pictures!!
Thanks again for all the prayers. They are definitely being answered!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Brave Little Monkey
Overall Holden continues to do well, however, something in his blood work came back elevated today. So they've sent cultures to the lab to see if he has an infection (boo). But in the meantime, they've started him on antibiotics. Let's hope it is not an infection, but if it is, hopefully they've caught it early enough where it does not cause the little Monkey to have any complications.
Mommy did not have a great day. I somehow got a tube stuck in the crib and ended up causing Holden's G-Tube to come out of his belly. Milk was shooting everywhere (a new meaning to "Got Milk?") and the poor little guy started screaming. I am sure he was frightened by my reaction. So now I am traumatizing my poor kid!!! Fortunately, doctors were able to replace the tube and all is well - except I feel incredibly guilty.
Doctors have reduced the amount of pain medicine Holden is receiving, so he was a little more fussy today. His first tooth finally cut through today (YEAH). I imagine some of his fussing is related to that. Fortunately he also had some good (comfortable) times where he would play with his toys, stuffed animals and us!
We are so appreciative of all of your well wishes and prayers. We tell Holden every day how many people love him and are pulling for him. Hopefully he just keeps getting better and better!
Mommy did not have a great day. I somehow got a tube stuck in the crib and ended up causing Holden's G-Tube to come out of his belly. Milk was shooting everywhere (a new meaning to "Got Milk?") and the poor little guy started screaming. I am sure he was frightened by my reaction. So now I am traumatizing my poor kid!!! Fortunately, doctors were able to replace the tube and all is well - except I feel incredibly guilty.
Doctors have reduced the amount of pain medicine Holden is receiving, so he was a little more fussy today. His first tooth finally cut through today (YEAH). I imagine some of his fussing is related to that. Fortunately he also had some good (comfortable) times where he would play with his toys, stuffed animals and us!
We are so appreciative of all of your well wishes and prayers. We tell Holden every day how many people love him and are pulling for him. Hopefully he just keeps getting better and better!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What a Champ!
Holden is handling recovery like a champ! Doctors took him off the ventilator around 3AM this (Tuesday) morning. The little Monkey tolerated it very well and was able to go straight back to a low flow cannula at 2 liters, which compared to previous extubations is awesome! It was great to be able to see the little guy awake and alert. He continues to get pain medication to keep him comfortable. And despite having a fever for half of the day, there were even times when Holden wanted to play and be active. Doctors have restarted him on his formula and assuming he continues to tolerate it, we should be back to his usual amount by tomorrow. If things continue to go well, they will likely move him to a private room either tomorrow or Thursday. I am not sure who he gets his perseverance and spunk from, but I am so glad he was born the fighter that he is!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
A Great Start...
Sorry for the delayed blog post. It has been a very long, but GOOD day. Holden's surgery was a success. He is now in the CICU recovering. As of this evening, he was still on the ventilator, but was doing a good job with his breathing and will likely be extubated tonight or in the morning. He is on pain medication and sedated, but seems to be doing well.
Mommy and Daddy are proud of our little Monkey. He has had to endure so much but continues to fight his way through it.
Thank you for your calls, emails, thoughts and PRAYERS! We will let you know how he progresses the next couple of days.
Mommy and Daddy are proud of our little Monkey. He has had to endure so much but continues to fight his way through it.
Thank you for your calls, emails, thoughts and PRAYERS! We will let you know how he progresses the next couple of days.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Preparing for Surgery...
I approach tomorrow with mixed feelings. Of course no one wants their child to have to endure surgery. And being back in the hospital quickly reminds me of all the discomfort/pain and potential challenges Holden must face. Yet I realize if the surgery is a success, he will be relieved of a great deal of daily discomfort associated with the reflux. And he will be able to return to drinking from a bottle and eating more of the solid foods he has been exploring. So I pray that God guides the hands of the doctors and nurses caring for Holden and that not only is the surgery a success but that he has a speedy and infection-free recovery.
We thank you for your prayers for Holden and we will post an update tomorrow following the surgery.
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