Grandma Deda (Mimi D) came down from Brevard, NC for a visit. Mimi D read him a book as he comfortably slept in her arms. It is hard to say who was happier!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Baby Holden Update
Grandma Deda (Mimi D) came down from Brevard, NC for a visit. Mimi D read him a book as he comfortably slept in her arms. It is hard to say who was happier!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Baby Holden Update
The little guy did well with his past 2 bottle feedings, taking in 32 ccs and then 18ccs. We continue to try to wean him off the cannula.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Baby Holden Update
Holden did very well with the physical therapist today on his bottle feeding. This was the first time I could see a real interest in the bottle on his part. Although he got tired about half way through, he did well with his suck, swallow, breathe coordination. We are still working on weaning him off of the nasal cannula. Doctors feel good that he'll wean off at his own pace. We still don't know when we'll be able to bring Holden home, but we know it will be when "he" decides he's ready!!
I cherish feeding times with our little munchkin, when I can hold him, talk to him and watch him sleep. There is no place I'd rather be, than in those moments...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Baby Holden Update
Holden was wide awake during his 5PM feeding. It was great to be able to look into his eyes and talk to him. I like to tell him all about his friends and family... all the amazing people pulling for him!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Baby Holden Update
Aunt Marianne stopped by for a visit. The little munchkin slept the whole time!!
We practiced Kangaroo Care again today. Holden quickly made himself comfortable on my chest and fell fast asleep. I can't help but to wonder what he is dreaming about!!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Baby Holden Update
Mommy and Holden have been enjoying time together this afternoon in our new room on the 7th Floor. We practiced something called "Kangaroo Care," which is basically skin to skin contact. Mommy played the Baby Einstein Lullaby Classics CD, while Holden made himself comfortable and feel fast asleep. The 7th floor seems calmer and definitely offers more privacy. The room has "mood" lighting, a window and even a comfortable reclining chair so we can put our feet up. We're looking forward to spending some time with Daddy this evening.
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