We've also made some changes to his feedings and he is making great progress. Without getting into all the details, I can tell you he's on the feeding pump less now during the day and has been consistently drinking at least one full bottle each day. Progress with solid foods have been a slower, but he's at least open to trying different foods. Now were trying to establish hunger so he will be inclined to each more. I never imagined we'd have to work so hard to get him to "want" to eat. But fortunately he's slowly going in the right direction. And with lots of support and patience, he'll get to the point when he'll no longer need the G-Tube/Feeding pump!
I love this picture with Holden putting the bottom of his bottle in his mouth. He's teething again and everything goes in the mouth. Tooth 7 just cut and I think 8 is on the way. He seems to get them in, in pairs. Unfortunately Holden is one of those kids who does not do well with teething, so we've had some sleepless nights and long (cranky) days. But he slept great last night, so I am hoping the worst is behind us for tooth 7 and 8!! Only 12 more to go, right!!??
I've noticed that as Holden's gotten stronger, he likes staying active and playing a lot more! Some days we go through nearly every toy in the toy box. His favorite still seems to be his trucks, however, lately he is also fascinated with Mommy's laptop. I've been pulling up some kid friendly sites and trying to teach him words, letters, etc. But mostly, he just like mashing the keys!! And with the warmer weather, we've been loving spending time outside. We've been taking walks (well Alex and I walk, Holden rides in his little red car!) and sitting in the grass blowing bubbles.
I was impressed at how attentive he was to the performances. His face lit up when the dog act came out. He was able to focus on the performers - even the acrobats flying through the air. Reece and I probably spent more time watching him than the show. It was so great!!
I used to think Holden looked so much like Reece. This week (I say that because he does seem to change every week), I think he looks like a blend between the two of us. He has Daddy's eyes, eyebrows, nose and chin (and same cheeks as Reece had as a baby). But he has my curly hair, lips and ears.
He plays with his toys like an engineer (like Reece used to), trying to figure out how it works and turning everything upside down and inside out.
He is stubborn like his Mommy and very persistent. And as we well know, he's a little fighter. Definitely a trait both Mommy and Daddy have!!
I just dug out some baby pictures of Reece and I. I'll scan them in for my next blog, so y'all can decide for yourself who he looks like.
In the meantime, we'll be enjoying the outdoors as much as possible. And as cold and flu season wraps up within the next month, we'll be able to be out and about much more. Look out world here we come!
So glad to see the three of you smiling and out and about. Holden is so cute. I just want to pinch those cheeks. Love to you all. Hope to see you soon. Aunt Laura
I love the picture of little monkey trying to eat his bottle. He definately still looks like Reece in the eyes but his coloring is looking more like yours. He's so adorable and I'm so glad he seems to be feeling better. I love you all so much!!!! Aunt Jo-Jo
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