I approach tomorrow with mixed feelings. Of course no one wants their child to have to endure surgery. And being back in the hospital quickly reminds me of all the discomfort/pain and potential challenges Holden must face. Yet I realize if the surgery is a success, he will be relieved of a great deal of daily discomfort associated with the reflux. And he will be able to return to drinking from a bottle and eating more of the solid foods he has been exploring. So I pray that God guides the hands of the doctors and nurses caring for Holden and that not only is the surgery a success but that he has a speedy and infection-free recovery.
We thank you for your prayers for Holden and we will post an update tomorrow following the surgery.
Prayers for Holden!!!....Successful surgery and no post op infections would be fabulous, God!
Love you Reece and Christine!
Cathy B
waiting to hear how the surgery went today......I've been thinking about Holden and praying for him all day....
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