Holden's appointments with his cardiologist and pulmonologist went well today. Both doctors felt Holden looked the best they've ever seen him. Everyone agreed that he should have the reflux and hernia surgery later this month. So we'll head back to Egleston on Monday the 20th. We'll say our prayers that the procedures are a success and that Holden has an "infection free" speedy recovery. We are very hopeful that having the reflux surgery will greatly improve Holden's quality of life- and enable him to go back to drinking from baby bottles again.

Laura and Chad, Holden's Godparents, gave him the adorable stuffed Lion (that we named Leroy)that you see in the pictures. Holden is giving Leroy some sugar (kisses) in one of the photos and having a full conversation with his pal in the other. It is hysterical to watch Holden when he gets frustrated - manhandle Leroy, almost like he is wrestlimg him to the ground and pins him down.
We'll post again soon. Hugs and Kisses to our friends and family.
Um, Hello! Where did those cheeks come from?! Looks like he is trying to rival his friend, Lee Hardman!
Holden, I can't wait to meet you!
Holden, Uncle Chad and your second cousins can't wait to meet you! I am so glad to see you and your parents smiling in these pictures. We are so proud to be your Godparents! I can't wait until I can hug you again and see that smile in person. Love, Aunt Laura
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