His little personality is really showing now. He is proving to be a "a lover and a fighter." He loves to cuddle and has learned if he fusses just enough one of the nurses, volunteers or Mommy will hold him. He likes to look in your eyes and reach for your lips when you give kisses! The
A team of doctors will meet this week to discuss the best course of treatmet for Holden. Unfortunately, one option may involve surgery. We pray to God that he will guide us down the best path for our little munchkin. We'll let you know once a decision is made. Thank you for your continued prayers!
What a beautiful photo of mother and son. He is so precious.
I'm thinking of you.
Aunt Amy
Keep the faith. We love the pictures you post of Holden cuddling with his parents or just kicking back. He is adorable. Our prayers continue for this little guy and we'll include prayers for guidance for his doctors to know what's best for Holden. Love, Deborah & David
What a beautiful picture of the two of you. We continue to pray for Holden and for the both of you. God bless!
Stephanie Melton
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