The best piece of advice we've been given since he's been here is to take things one day at a time. This is not always easy for us "Type A" personality types, but has proven to be very gratifying when we simply focus on Holden and all of the amazing little things that he does each day. Yesterday, Holden was awake and happy when Daddy came to visit. They sat and chatted with each other for nearly and hour.
Today, Holden did great with his bottle feeding and massage. Mommy and Holden have had a couple snuggle sessions this afternoon. He loves kisses and holding my finger. The little munchkin now weighs 5 lbs. 15.7 ozs and is finally growing out of his preemie clothes.
Doctors are starting to talk about sending Holden home. No dates have yet been discussed. It is likely he will go home on oxygen for awhile and may need to continue some tube feeding until he has the strength to take 7-8 bottles a day. We in the meantime, we will continue to take it day by day, as our little guy continues to get healthier and stronger.
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