Baby and Mommy survived another week on bed rest. Daily ultra sounds and heart monitoring continue to show that the little munchkin is doing great. My amniotic fluid continues to go up and down, but overall, things are good. We can see the baby practice breathing and moving on the ultra sound and based on his daily monitoring, he's been called a "happy baby"! We play music and sing to him during monitoring. He seems to love it and responds to all kinds of music: classical, reggae, lulabyes, kiddie tunes, pop and 80's favorites!
We have confirmed that we will be welcoming Baby Parker into this world on Valentine's Day (Week 34 + 1 Day). The doctors feel that due to my low fluid and his slow growth, he will do better at that point, with the care he'll receive in the NICU. He will be a true blessing delivered on a day full of love and we know God will be looking over him!! We look forward to introducing him to all of you. We'll be sure to post an update, once our little guy is here!

This past weekend was very special, as my best friends, Sheila, Trish and Yvette flew into town from Florida to host a baby shower for us here at the hospital. In addition to having both of BP's Grandmas and Great Grandma here, we were surrounded by our family and closest friends. It was so good see everyone, and we were very grateful for the wonderful gifts that were given for Baby Parker.
Reece is already proving to be "Super Dad" balancing work, time here at the hospital, caring for Alex, house work, running all my errands (bringing me cheeseburgers) and everything else life throws his way!
Reece and I have been very touched by the outpouring of support. We can not thank you enough for your thoughts and prayers. Please keep Baby Parker in your prayers on Valentine's Day!
Christine & Reece
Hi Christine, Reece and BP, (you to Alexander the great). Thanks for keeping the SMP family updated on the progress of the babe. Our SMP family is growing and growing! We can't wait to meet him! We'll show him how to sell those picnics!
Your friends in Group Sales
Sonny, Gerry, Korey, Linda, Tamika, Cheri, Karen, Kristen, Marc and Allyson
Christine, Reese, and Baby Parker _
Tommy and I have been in close contact with Collin and Paul about the progress you all are making. We're so excited that Baby Parker will soon be here and we will get to meet him. Our thought and prayers are with all of you and know that you have so many wonderful years ahead of you.
Take care and we will see you all soon.
Betty & Tommy Franks (aka Bebe & Papa)
Reese and Cici,
Forgive my multiple posts if the other one was posted...I'm not suave with the blogging apparently.
We are so happy for y'all and cannot wait to meet Baby Parker. Hang in there and know that in four days you will experience the most fabulous moment in the world!
Love, Meredith (Franks) Bateman
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