So it is nearly 10pm and things have finally settled down long enough for me to post an update. Doctors were not able to give Holden a shot with pain medication following the surgery, so they recommended keeping him overnight so they could administer a stronger pain med via IV. As much as I would have liked to take him home, I think it was probably the right decision.
As excited as Holden was to see Mommy and Daddy...and Mommy and Daddy were to see Holden, it broke my heart to see how much discomfort/pain he was in. He just wanted to curl up in my lap and sleep. And when he did wake up, he would cry. Saying "Daddy, Mommy home. Holden's house". But as the day progressed and
anaesthesia wore off, he seemed a little more comfortable. By this evening he was walking again on his own and we even took a little trip down to the gift shop to buy a toy for my brave kid...and a tooth brush and tooth paste for Mommy! He picked out a mail truck. He loves anything with wheels. And when we got back to the room we were racing the mail truck, the school bus (with big
mudder tires) and Lightning McQueen. Assuming all continues to go well, he should be discharged in the morning! YEAH!!
It has been bitter sweet being back
Egleston, one of the hospitals that Holden has spent so much time in. I find myself thinking back to the 10+ weeks we spent here in Fall of 2008. I don't know how to explain this, but I love and hate this place. As much as I dread Holden having to be here, if any child needs medical attention, this is one of the best places to be. So my heart breaks watching him endure the pain, but there is a sense of comfort for me...knowing he is getting some of the best care. And so many of the nurses remember us and have come by to visit.
Reece commented that he was surprised, knowing me, that I had not packed an overnight bag...:"just in case." Sounded logical, but I intentionally did not pack a bag. I guess I prefer to live for the best and be flexible if things don't go as I hoped. I prefer to visualize the positive. So it means I'm sleeping in jeans tonight, but I can't complain. Ultimately, staying positive is what helps me make it through each day...especially ones like today.
I just glanced over at Monkey. He is sleeping and looks so precious. I'm so proud of my little guy. Seriously...when I stop and think about it...he's already been through more than some people have to deal with in a lifetime. But spend some time with him now...and you'd never know it. He loves life! And he has learned to make the most of every day!