It has been over four years now since Holden joined our family. His journey started off bumpy and he's had to overcome some health challenges. But the Little Monkey continues to fight his way to becoming strong and healthy. We are so blessed to have him as our son. He inspires us and melts our hearts every day. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We've appreciated everyone's thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Baby Holden Update

So apparently our little fighter threw a big fit last night because he did not like the humidifier hood. The doctor told nurses to simply use nasal spray instead of the humidifier. Once they made the change, Holden was happy and slept well. I think we have a feisty one on our hands!! But of course, he is mine and Reece's son!

Holden did very well with the physical therapist today on his bottle feeding. This was the first time I could see a real interest in the bottle on his part. Although he got tired about half way through, he did well with his suck, swallow, breathe coordination. We are still working on weaning him off of the nasal cannula. Doctors feel good that he'll wean off at his own pace. We still don't know when we'll be able to bring Holden home, but we know it will be when "he" decides he's ready!!

I cherish feeding times with our little munchkin, when I can hold him, talk to him and watch him sleep. There is no place I'd rather be, than in those moments...

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