It has been over four years now since Holden joined our family. His journey started off bumpy and he's had to overcome some health challenges. But the Little Monkey continues to fight his way to becoming strong and healthy. We are so blessed to have him as our son. He inspires us and melts our hearts every day. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We've appreciated everyone's thoughts and prayers.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2008 was a blessed, yet challenging year for us . We pray 2009 brings lots of healing, love and happiness for Holden and for all of you. I often find myself thinking about Holden's situation and I wonder if we should be living for today (more) or living for tomorrow. I guess I try to have a balance and do both. I want to keep him safe and healthy for a promising tomorrow, yet I don't want him to miss out on too many normal experiences that he deserves to have today. So we try to be caution about where we take him and what we expose him too, while still enabling him to enjoy some of life pleasures. I find myself living for the simple moments (a smile while playing with a toy, the way he grabs my chin and looks me in the eye, watching him with kids) and I try not to sweat the small stuff as much (such as a messy house, taking too long to return calls and e-mails (sorry) or having days where it feels impossible to shower and get dressed).

It feels like the month of December flew by in a flash. Although we had to be very cautious, we were happy to be able to socialize with some of our family and friends. Holden lights up when around other kids. It melts my heart to see him getting hugs from his cousins or smiling at other babies.

Holden was able to hang out with his cousins, Aunts/Uncles, Grandpa, Grandmas, God parents and even some friends. Aunt Amy came all the way from California to spend time with the Little Monkey! Below are just a couple of the pictures from some of our visits...

Yesterday was awesome as we enjoyed the warmer weather at the Park with Alex, Melina, Ariana, Alyssa, Annemarie, Maddie and Max! Holden watched his new buddy Max eat french fries and decided he wanted to taste a fry as well! Holden also had his first experience on a swing. He seemed to like it as first, but then decided he wanted Mommy to hold him. He loves riding in his stroller and watching the other walkers, kids and dogs.

Holden with his second cousins, David and Emily and the girls!

Holden with our awesome neighbors, Bev and Carol and also Holden with his Aunt Sheila (my best friend from Florida).

Holden with Alyssa. The twins are great with him. They seem to know when to be gentle and when to play. I still think he's fascinating that there are 2 of them.

Holden seemed scared of his cousins Robbie and Richie at first as they were rough playing in the house. But his fear quickly turned to intrigue as he watched them play with his puppy, Alex. I can tell Holden is going to have some great times with the boys, once he's able to keep up with them.

The little Monkey has had a pretty big week already and we've just starting the year. It started "not so great" - with an ear infection and cold. But after a couple of days on antibiotics, he's feeling better and full of surprises. After months of fighting "tummy time", he just suddenly started rolling from his back, onto his tummy and back again. And it seems that when Mommy leaves the room and he wants a certain toy, he rolls himself onto his tummy and pulls himself (commando style) to where he wants to go. He is also doing a much better job sitting up on his own. He did it twice today, without any assistance. He also drank a bottle today. It was sweet tea, but it was from a bottle. We are slowly working on his adversion to drinking formula from a bottle as he associates it with pain/spitting up. So his therapist encouraged us to offer him a bottle of something other than formula. And what southern baby would turn down a bottle of sweet tea!! Not Holden. And although I've been saying he was cutting a tooth for 2 months now, he finally got his 3rd and 4th teeth today. It is the upper center teeth. Wow, what a week! Thank goodness for Tylenol (and sweet tea).