It has been over four years now since Holden joined our family. His journey started off bumpy and he's had to overcome some health challenges. But the Little Monkey continues to fight his way to becoming strong and healthy. We are so blessed to have him as our son. He inspires us and melts our hearts every day. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We've appreciated everyone's thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Baby Holden Update

Holden had a good day. Our little guy had a growth spurt and surpassed 5 lbs!! He was a little congested. Doctors think his nasal passages are slightly inflamed due to the nasal cannula. They will have him sleep with a humidifier hood tonight (and will take the nasal cannula out of his nose) to help provide him with relief. Due to the congestion, we did not do bottle feedings today, but we will return to them tomorrow.

Holden was wide awake during his 5PM feeding. It was great to be able to look into his eyes and talk to him. I like to tell him all about his friends and family... all the amazing people pulling for him!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so glad to hear he's doing well...big man at 5 lbs..way to go Holden...thinking of you guys always and hope you will be home soon!!!xoxo...hang in there!
Shelly and the gang