It has been over four years now since Holden joined our family. His journey started off bumpy and he's had to overcome some health challenges. But the Little Monkey continues to fight his way to becoming strong and healthy. We are so blessed to have him as our son. He inspires us and melts our hearts every day. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We've appreciated everyone's thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Baby Holden Update

It didn't take long at all for Holden to develop an affinity for his daily massage. Miss Meg came to visit yesterday and as you can see by the photo, Holden looks very relaxed! And after all that hard work, he slept like an Angel!!

Holden had his first eye exam yesterday and the doc said all is normal. Yeah!!

As of last night, the little munchkin weighs 5lbs 10.7 oz. He is finally starting to grow out of some of his preemie clothes and into his newborn outfits!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Baby Holden Update

Holden had a good day today. The reflux medicine seems to be working, as he was much less irritable. He did okay with his bottle, but fell asleep about half way through! He is now getting daily visits from physical therapy, who give him a massage and do a variety of stretches. Mommy, Daddy and Grandma Rosanne were all able to spend time with the little munchkin.

Doctors did an ultrasound of his head to rule out any bleeding or fluid on the brain, which they say is a common problem with preemies. Thank God, Holden's scan showed everything is normal.

We met with a pulmonologist from Scottish Rite/Children's Healthcare of Atlanta yesterday to discuss Holden's current treatment. The doctor feels like with the recent changes, he should start to show more improvement. She also said once we get the reflux under control, it should make a difference in his treatment of the pulmonary hypertension. Overall, she was optimistic about his recovery. And the fortunate thing is, as Holden grows, his lungs should repair themselves. The doctor reminded us that it is important to keep him infection free. She suggested we continue to limit his visitors - at least until the end of flu season. So unfortunately, we will have to wait until he gets home before we can have our friends visit. But what a happy day it will be - when we can finally introduce everyone to our sweet baby boy!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Baby Holden Update

Holden had a busy day with doctors, an x-ray, an ultra sound, a bottle feeding and a visit from Mommy and Daddy. The little munchkin has been more irritable lately ( I don't blame him, with all he's having to deal with!!). Doctors are running some tests to make sure there are no other issues that could be affecting his recovery. They are also making some changes to his current treatment to see if it helps with the pulmonary hypertension and reflux. At this time, we don't know how much longer he will have to stay in the hospital. Certainly, until the pulmonary hypertension is under control or eliminated. This certainly has not been an easy road for Holden, but we pray that God will heal the little guy so we can bring him home when the time is right!

Holden looked so cute today in his "I may be little but I think BIG" onesie. Mommy and Daddy both enjoyed our time with the munchkin today. There were several times when he was wide awake and we were able to interact with him!
Mommy has been missing Reece and Alex and has decided to check out of the hotel and head home. I will commute to and from the hospital each day. Now I'll be able to see all of my guys - every day. I'll continue to update the blog as we have new information. So please don't worry if we go a day or two without an entry. I know we've said this before, but we are so touched by the outpouring of prayers and support. This is the first time in my life, I've asked for prayers and I know that it is your prayers that are giving us the strength to make it through this challenging time. I truly believe God will heal our little boy! And on his (not mine or Reece's) time frame - we'll be able to bring Holden home and introduce him to all of you.

For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.(Romans 8:24,25)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Today Holden weighs 5lbs 6.1oz. Other than dealing with some reflux issues, he continues to do pretty well with his feedings. Doctors have said it is okay to again offer him 2 bottles a day (with the other 6 feedings by tube) since he is showing more interest.

The Cardiologist did another echocardiogram this morning. Unfortunately, it did not show any reduction in the pressure in his chest (pulmonary hypertension). Doctors are increasing the dosage of the medication he is on and want to give it a full week to see if that will help reduce the pressure. We pray to God that this works.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Baby Holden Update

We had a wonderful Easter today with Holden. He started his morning off well drinking 32 ccs of his bottle feeding.

After Church, Mommy and Daddy brought the little munchkin his first Easter Basket. Although we did not get to dress him up in his Easter outfit, we did get to spend some great time with him. He was awake and alert when we held him this afternoon. We sang him his favorite songs and talked to him, telling him all about the many family and friends who are looking forward to meeting him soon. We also told him about his puppy dog (Alex) who can't wait until he comes home.
Easter is a time to celebrate rebirth and renewal. It is a time of hope and faith. On this Easter day, we thank God for blessing us with our sweet little boy and we have FAITH that he will help Holden heal so he can grow to be a healthy little boy.
Thank you again for all of your support, thoughts and prayers.