It has been over four years now since Holden joined our family. His journey started off bumpy and he's had to overcome some health challenges. But the Little Monkey continues to fight his way to becoming strong and healthy. We are so blessed to have him as our son. He inspires us and melts our hearts every day. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We've appreciated everyone's thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Believing is seeing

I know most people say "Seeing is Believing", but I like to think that BELIEVING IS SEEING.

We took Holden to see Santa at Stone Mountain Christmas tonight. As we stood in line, I couldn't help but think how blessed we are. Holden has come so far since last Christmas. I remember crying when we visited with Santa last year. Holden had just gotten out of the hospital. He was, of course, on oxygen. He was on the feeding pump 20 hours a day. And we had been given a bleak prognosis for the future.

Some of the doctors had told us that Holden would likely be on the oxygen indefinitely. I think about how we could have held on to what those doctors were saying. We could have given up and started telling Holden to get used to wearing his nasal cannula. We could have quoted the medical statistics and sat around feeling sorry for ourselves. But rather, we had faith in the unknown. We believed it would be possible for Holden to wean off the oxygen. We tried to live each day with optimism instead of pessimism. We continued HOLDEN FAITH and I am so glad.

While I respect everyone's right to live and think the way they want, I have never understood why some people prefer to live in a world of negativity. Why would you want to wake up each day preparing for doom and gloom rather than believing anything is possible. I can tell you that I would have had trouble getting out of bed these past two years if I let myself believe the worst for Holden.

I believe that Holden will be able to do anything he puts his mind to. And unless health problems prove to get in the way, I plan to encourage him to try whatever he wants, including sports. At this point, he has been cleared to participate in all activities with no restrictions. So unless/until we uncover a problem, why would I speculate or discourage him from anything? For me believing is seeing ... and I believe.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for Holden!! Bless you Christine & Reece for believing and not putting boundaries on Holden's recovery or future. Your faith & positive outlook for Holden have definitely been a plus for him. Way to go little monkey!

Deborah & David

Anonymous said...

Merry, Merry Christmas!!!
Tons of hugs and loves to you, Reece and Holden.
May 2010 be a fabulous year for us all!

Donna Dennison