It has been over four years now since Holden joined our family. His journey started off bumpy and he's had to overcome some health challenges. But the Little Monkey continues to fight his way to becoming strong and healthy. We are so blessed to have him as our son. He inspires us and melts our hearts every day. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We've appreciated everyone's thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Prayer Request

I have a favor to ask all of you. One of Holden's little friends, Lily, needs our prayers. Long story short, Lily was born with a heart defect. We met her and her family while in the CICU, a couple of days after she was born. Her bed was across from Holden's. In order to correct her heart defect, Lily has already had a couple open heart surgeries. She is now nearly 8 months old and had another scheduled surgery last month. She had been recovering in the step down unit (private room) when she came down with pneumonia. Since then she took a turn for the worse and was moved back into the CICU. Things have been very touch and go over the weekend and they've decided to do another operation tomorrow to try to replace the valve in her heart. I can certainly understand the fear her family is facing. Fortunately Lily, like her buddy Holden, is a little fighter and can make it through this. You have all been so kind in praying for Holden so I hope that you don't mind me asking you to say an extra prayer for Lily. I will let you know how she is doing as soon as I get an update. Thank you and God Bless.

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